Basis for Vision Zero 2030
Safe System
The road safety policy framework for the decade from 2021 to 2030 will be based on the Safe System approach, which aims to eliminate the serious consequences of road crashes by making the road system more self-explanatory and forgiving. The Safe System rests on a basic premise that human error is inevitable, but deaths and serious injuries as a result of a road crash are not.

Previous Documents and Strategies
In this section you will find documents with relevant contents on Road Safety issues.
In Portugal, since 1998, Road Safety Strategies and Plans have been implemented in order to reduce road fatalities. Along this path, the following programme models have been developed:
- Planos Integrados de Segurança Rodoviária - PISER (1998, 1999 e 2000)
- Plano Nacional de Prevenção Rodoviária - PNPR (2003-2010)
- Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária - ENSR (2008-2015)
- Revisão Intercalar da Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária - ENSR (2013-2015)
- Plano Estratégico Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária - PENSE2020 (2017-2020)
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