Vision Zero 2030
The development of Vision Zero 2030 was carried out in three phases.

Phase 1
Guiding Principles of the National Road Safety Strategy: Vision Zero 2030
Report that defines the approach of the National Road Safety Strategy for the decade, according to the needs of our country, the experience gained in the implementation of previous strategic documents and in alignment with international commitments and common visions for this area, including a set of good practices and strategic terms of reference to guide the subsequent phases, which are underway, such as:
- Safe System Thinking Framework
- Results of the Stockholm Declaration
- UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Strategic documents of the European Union, namely the EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030
- Other European reference documents, including national strategies of other countries
- Other guiding documents and other strategic policies of the country, such as the Climate Change Adaptation Action Program, the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050, the National Strategy for Active Cycling Mobility 2020-2030, among others
The report also presents the framework for Road Safety management in Portugal, the analysis and assessment of the preparation, execution and monitoring process of PENSE 2020, identifying processes to improve the implementation of this new strategy, the most recent data on road crashes in Portugal, as well as its position compared to other European Union countries, the economic and social costs of road crashes and the new approach to Road Safety: the Safe System as an integral element in the fight against road crashes and towards Vision Zero, in addition to the methodology defined for drawing up the Vision Zero 2030.
Another Actions of Phase 1
Sending communications to public and private entities with responsibilities in the road transport system (Road Management Entities, City Councils, Industry, Sector Associations and Organisations, Academia, etc.) to inform them of the drawing up of the new strategy and request their contributions, as well as to the Non-Executive Council of Experts
Provision of the Vision Zero 2030 microsite, which will be a platform for receiving and sharing contributions, disseminating the documents produced, as well as the PENSE2020 data, the road crash rate data, and the national and international documentation on Road Safety
Phase 2
Scientific-technical reports for the new strategy
Proposal of key elements of the National Road Safety Strategy and the way to achieve them as well as recommendations on the methodologies for the preparation of biennial action plans and on the corresponding monitoring and evaluation processes. In general, the road safety management capacity review approach and the evidence-based approach recommended by the Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) were applied.
Diagnosis and evaluation of the current situation
This report comprises an assessment of the current road safety situation, providing a clear overview of the most relevant safety issues in Portugal, and the discussion of the aspects that will most likely need to be considered in the near future, having included the following activities:
- Revision of the institutional framework for road safety policy implementation
- Analysis and diagnosis of the current road safety indicators, their recent evolution, main trends and benchmarking with other European countries
- Analysis of the previous National Road Safety Strategy (PENSE2020), namely concerning its achievements and constraints
- Safe System perspective on road safety in Portugal
- Analysis of upcoming challenges and changes. For example: changing travel modes, shared mobility, impact of mobility devices and mobility as a service (MAAS), connected and automated vehicles, external factors such as demographic and economic trends, and opportunities and challenges from other public policies (e.g. sustainable development, climate change, and mobility)
- Analysis of the contributions obtained from public and private entities and the Non-Executive Council of Experts, and how to consider them in the new strategy
This report includes the basic principles that frame the advancement of road safety policies for the next ten years and the general scientific guidelines and methodological framework for the development of the National Road Safety Strategy. The following aspects were addressed:
Basis for Vision Zero 2030
- Summary of best practices for defining strategic and operational objectives and related performance indicators
- Identification of cost-effective interventions for the Safe System
Identification of areas with potential results in the Portuguese road system
a) Alignment with international strategic objectives
b) Specific national objectives
Identification of feasible road safety interventions/measures
a) Define objectives
b) Specify the components
c) Estimate of the contribution to the objectives and goals
d) Identification of indicators to measure performance and monitor implementation
In this report the received contributions considered relevant were taken into consideration.
Methodology for drawing up biennial action plans
This report presents the methodology for the implementation of the biennial action plans, including the procedures for their development, budget approval and execution monitoring, having contemplated two main activities:
- Development of a methodology for drawing up the biennial action plans, following the framework Plan of the Check Act
Pilot to one or two interventions
a) Describe the objectives and degree of intervention
b) Define the intervention components and the contribution to the objectives
c) Estimate of human and financial resources required
d) Define the management process and identify relevant partnerships and funding sources
e) Identify precedence and assess priorities
f) Specify procedures for monitoring and evaluation of the intervention
In this report the received contributions considered relevant were taken into consideration.
Another Actions of Phase 2
Meetings with key stakeholders with responsibility for road safety, and who will be in charge of implementing road safety measures, as well as with the Non-Executive Council of Experts.
Phase 3
Vision Zero 2030 Strategy and Action Plan
Based on the “technical-scientific” diagnostic reports and evaluation of the current situation, and the basics and key elements for the new strategy, the Vision Zero 2030 Strategy shall be elaborated.
The first Action Plan is prepared based on the third technical-scientific report: Methodology for drawing up biennial action plans.
The final version incorporates the contributions from the public consultation phase, the direct consultation with entities and stakeholders and the Non-Executive Expert Council. Stakeholders e do Conselho Não Executivo de Especialistas.
Another Actions of Phase 3
Sending communications to public and private entities with responsibilities in the road transport system requesting further input, as well as to the Non-Executive Council of Experts.
Meetings with the entities that will be responsible for the measures of the first Action Plan.