National Road Safety Strategy 2021 / 2030
Vision Zero 2030
The National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), in carrying out its planning and coordination work to support the Government’s Road Safety policy, is defining the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 – Vision Zero 2030, in accordance with the European Commission’s road safety policy 2021-2030, the Stockholm Declaration and the Safe System approach.
Vision Zero 2030 aims to set the medium-term for road safety policy in Portugal and to define the corresponding strategic and operational goals, to be implemented through biennial action plans.
Road safety is everyone’s shared responsibility. It requires shared commitment and effort, which must be accepted by the state, public entities, councils, infrastructure managers, organisations responsible for road safety and mobility, universities, the business sector, companies, organisations and associations, among many others, as well as by us, citizens, through our behaviour. Therefore, ANSR wants to include contributions from across the whole of society in Vision Zero 2030, so that everyone can identify with and contribute to the fight against road crashes.
Road safety is everyone’s shared responsibility and requires a shared effort by everyone
Every year, and despite the progress made in the last decade, on average around 650 people lose their lives on Portuguese roads. In addition, more than 2,000 are seriously injured, some with permanent sequelae and disabilities. These are unacceptable figures and could be avoided. Moreover, in 2019 alone, road accidents in Portugal, reached an estimated economic and social cost of €6,423 million, a figure that corresponds to 3.03% of that year's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
This is an unacceptable price to pay for mobility in an evolved society. We do not accept deaths in air transport, or in rail transport, and we should not accept them on the road either: the premise that no loss of life is acceptable has to be at the foundation of all the decisions made regarding mobility and road safety. Zero is the only acceptable number.
We have to redouble everyone’s commitment to road safety by formulating and applying effective and efficient public policies that mobilise the entirety of the central and local public authorities, the private sector and society in general. Only as such can a sustained and consistent reduction in road crashes be brought about and will significant results be obtained in the fight against their consequences.
We do not accept deaths in air transport, or in rail transport, and we should not accept them on the road either
The fight against road crashes is ANSR’s priority, but this will only be a winning battle if the different parties involved in the system and society as a whole accept their commitment and responsibility in this cause and if we work together towards a common goal – Vision Zero 2030.
This Vision Zero 2030 microsite has been created to disseminate the drawing up of the new National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 – Vision Zero 2030 – throughout its different phases, bringing to light the work carried out by all of society.
It is a platform that invites civil society to present its contributions with regard to the new Vision Zero 2030, and a means to disseminate and share the contributions received. Another function of this website is to provide the documentation related to Road Safety policies at national, European and worldwide level. Finally, as regards describing the current situation, this website also presents the most recent national road crash data.
If at the end of each working day we manage to save one life, we will be making an enormous contribution to a better future
We all have a huge responsibility in this fight. If at the end of each working day we manage to save one life, we will be making an enormous contribution to a better future and we will feel fulfilled through the best outcome any professional could hope for – saving lives.
Road Crashes are not an inevitability, are not unavoidable and can be successfully fought against. We are counting on everyone.
Vision Zero 2030 Strategy
Vision Zero 2030 will set out the long-term vision for road safety policy in Portugal and establish the corresponding strategic and operational goals.
Management Structure

Executive Council of Experts
Consists of highly knowledgeable and experienced people in the field of Road Safety, who have the mission of constantly monitoring the development of the Strategy, and providing contributions to its documents

Non-Executive Council of Experts
Consists of around 30 experts in specific areas related to road safety, such as infrastructure, innovation, emergency, education, vehicles, inspection, communication, mobility, urbanism and human factors

National Consultation Council (NCC) and International Consultation Council (ICC)
Responsible for reviewing the final documents
It's also part of the Management structure, the Project Manager. The members that make up this structure can be known by clicking the button below.